call for abstracts

Programme Structure

The EUCAPA 2024 is a face to face (in person) scientific activity and its program will consist of:

  • Keynotes speakers
  • Invited speakers
  • Oral presentations
  • Poster presentations
  • Symposiums
  • Professional and video presentations
  • Workshops


«Participation and Inclusion in Sport for Quality of Life: Paris 2024»

Submission subthemes

  • Disability sport: focus in Paris 2024 Paralympics
  • Physical education and inclusive sports
  • Physical activity and exercise for a healthy life and rehabilitation
  • Leisure, recreation and social values in APA

Submission Types

  • Oral presentations
  • Poster presentations
  • Symposium
  • Professional and video presentations
  • Workshops

1. Oral presentations

The purpose of an oral presentation is to introduce the audience to the most important and interesting points in your research. A good oral presentation awakens the audience’s interest in the speaker’s subject. If you want to give more information than is possible in an oral presentation, you can prepare a separate PDF handout. Each presenter will be provided with a 15-minutes presentation time slot (with 5 minutes for questions). This time could be adjusted depending on the number of final presentations. The scientific committee will provide a chair for the sessions. Abstract submissions should be in English (or English and Spanish as optional, see “Spanish corner”). All abstracts must include the following sections:

  • Title
  • Affiliation
  • Introduction
  • Method
  • Results
  • Conclusions
  • References (APA 7th Edition)

Max. 300 words (authors, affiliation and references not included). The Scientific Committee will evaluate the abstracts for oral communications and all authors will receive confirmation of acceptance or rejection. In case of acceptance, authors must upload the presentation in PDF format. The PDF must contain: Author & Affiliation, Introduction to the topic, Aims of the project or research, Method Results (contribution to the field), Discussion (Relevance / alignment to themes), & References. In order to avoid errors, the file of the presentation should be saved with the name of the presenter and the title of the presentation.


2. Poster presentations

Posters provide a unique opportunity to share a general idea of the sort of research that you are doing. Poster presentation session at EUCAPA 2024 will be interactive. In order to assess the poster proposal, all authors must upload an abstract with the following:

  • Title
  • Authors
  • Affiliation
  • Introduction
  • Method
  • Results
  • Conclusion
  • References (APA 7th Edition)

Max. 300 words (authors, affiliation and references not included). The Scientific Committee will evaluate the posters and authors will receive confirmation of acceptance or rejection. As the poster sessions are interactive, presenters should be prepared to discuss and answer questions on their presentations. Further details on the exact date, time and location of your poster presentation will be emailed to you at a later date. A poster should be self‐contained and self‐explanatory, allowing the viewer to proceed on his/her own while the author (you) is free to supplement or discuss particular points raised by the viewer via the comments section. Presentations should be simple and clear and a combination of text and graphics is recommended.

Posters should be prepared as A0 format (841 mm width x 1189 mm height)

3. Symposia

A session of 60 min at least composed by 3-4 panelists. Symposium leader(s)/authors should manage the entire submission, including: the title of the panel presentation, the name(s) and affiliation(s) of all panel participants in the session, an overview of the panel presentation of no more than 300 words, and all single abstracts (300 words). The symposium overview abstract must include:

  1. Title
  2. Introduction of the topic or context and/or mapping of the literature
  3. Aims of the paper(s) or research questions and/or focus of inquiry
  4. Research findings and/or contributions to the field
  5. Relevance to EUCAPA 2024 theme(s).

Max. 300 words (authors, affiliation and references not included). All panellists’ abstracts must include the following:

  • Title
  • Authors
  • Affiliation
  • Introduction
  • Method
  • Results
  • Conclusion
  • References (APA 7th Edition)

Max. 300 words (authors, affiliation and references not included).

The purpose of a panel presentation is to introduce the audience to the most pertinent points in your project(s), engage co-panellists and participants in dialogue and debate. If you want to share more information than possible to discuss within a panel discussion, you can prepare a separate handout. The scientific committee will provide a chair for the sessions. English presentations will be accepted for symposia, and the abstract submissions should be in English. The Scientific Committee will evaluate the panel abstracts and authors will receive confirmation of acceptance or rejection.

4. Professional / video presentations

If you want to bring your experience, study, project, etc EUCAPA 2024 offers you this format for presentation. A max. 300 word abstract with free structure should be submitted to the Scientific committee to be approved. Once approved, professional / video presentations will be fixed in the program and included in conference book All authors must be in their presentation rooms 15 minutes before the beginning of the session and have their PowerPoint or video presentation in a pen drive and download it to the resident computer folder available with his/her name managed by the computer assistant in the room. The chair should start the session on-time independently of the number of participants in the room to avoid delay. Each presenter will have 10 minutes strictly controlled for their presentation. After the established time, the microphone or the video will be disconnected and five minutes will be available for questions. A total time of 15 minutes per professional or video presentation will be fixed. Videos with more than 10 minutes length will be immediately refused for presentation. All authors should respect their available time.

5. Workshops

We encourage you to present your practical proposal or work. A conventional sport venue will be available for demonstrations and practicals. A max. 300 word abstract with free structure should be submitted to the Scientific committee to be approved. Once approved, workshop will be fixed in the program and included in conference book.

All workshop authors must be in the sports hall/ fitness room 15 minutes before the beginning of the workshop, check the required material and organize the space and the materials to be used.

The workshop authors should start the session on-time independently of the number of participants in the room to avoid delay.

Each one of the workshop sessions will have a total duration of 60 minutes. Authors will be responsible to organize the different type of activities included in the workshop as well as possible outcomes and self-assessment if appropriate. All participants should respect their available time to stimulate interaction and discussion.

Abstracts acceptance conditions

Papers must be original, unpublished and written in the Congress´s Official Language – English (Spanish can be used for live presentations in the Spanish room, but abstract must be submitted in English). For an accepted work to be definitively included in the congress program and published (proceedings book / EUJAPA special edition), at least one of the authors, i.e., the person who will be responsible for the presentation, must be register in the Congress with a Regular Registration. The presenting author must be the first author. For each abstract at least one Regular Registration must be completed (and not shared with another abstract, even if the presenter is the same).

All papers received will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee that will decide if the abstract meets the sufficient conditions to be accepted and selected for presentation. Rejected abstracts will be returned to the author, indicating the reasons why his work has not been accepted and giving him/her a deadline to correct, if possible, the suggestions made.

Each registered author (presenting author) may submit a maximum number of three abstracts including oral, poster and professional or video presentations categories. Additionally, presenting authors may also submit an additional abstract for mini-symposium or workshop presentation categories. The Scientific Committee may allocate the abstracts presented to the presentation format that considers most appropriate according to the type and/or content. Likewise, it may also reassign an abstract to another thematic area of EUCAPA based on its contents.

The organization of the Congress is not responsible for the content, data and opinions made by the authors during the presentation of their work, as well as hypothetical reactions of any of the Congress attendees.


There will two “young investigators award” for the best oral and poster presentations presented by students / doctoral students at EUCAPA 2024, winners will receive an official award and authors will be invited to submit their work to peer review process and if accepted publish it as a full article at the European Journal on Adapted Physical Activity (EUJAPA), official scientific journal of the European Federation on Adapted Physical Activity (EUFAPA).

  • The Scientific Committee will select the two best abstracts/works presented at the Congress, one in oral format and the other in poster format, regardless of the corresponding thematic area.
  • The Scientific Committee will take his decision during the development of the Congress, notifying the authors of the chosen abstracts/works of their awards, that will be delivered during the closing ceremony of the Congress.
  • In case of non-compliance with the minimum criteria for the scientific quality required in this type of awards, the Scientific Committee may declare the awards void in a specific category.
  • To be eligible for the awards competition, at least one of the authors must be registered in the Congress.

Finally, EUFAPA will present the “European Professional Award for Outstanding Achievements” and the “Outstanding achievements on a national level” during the closing ceremony of EUCAPA 2024

Pre – conference activity

A preconference workshop entitled “Qualitative methodologies in APA” will be performed during Tuesday, 11th June. Interested delegates will have to indicate their interest in attending during the registration process.

Book of abstracts and EUCAPA 2024 proceedings

All accepted abstracts (for oral presentations, posters and symposia) have the potential to be published in the EUCAPA 2024 book of abstracts (with DOI and ISSN published via a special issue at EUJAPA journal, ). Upon acceptance, a minimum of one author must attend the EUCAPA 2024 in person and deliver the presentation according to the scheduled day and time. Should an author not comply with the requirements, the program chair or conference organizer reserves the right to remove the abstract and/or presentation from the conference schedule and/or book of abstracts.

All abstracts (including professional / video presentations and workshops) will be published in the EUCAPA 2024 proceedings (with ISBN).


Dr. Javier Pérez Tejero & Dr. Ariel Villagra Astudillo
Chairs EUCAPA 2024 Scientific Committee

call for abstracts